So this weekend was full of lots of fun Reese moments so I will take a moment to update you all.
Friday while we were driving home Reese took one of her books and began reading it. I have seen her look at books on her own and sometimes comment about the pictures. This was the first time I have actually heard her make up an entire story. It was even cuter b/c it was a book about going potty so the story was quite interesting. So taking this new found story creating entertainment I decided to try and use it to my advantage. Normally in the morning Reese wakes up and knocks on her door to tell me she is up so I will come get her. So since she had made up her own story I had decided to tell her that from now on when she wakes up she doesn't have to knock right away. She is allowed to play in her room and read books and just knock when she is ready to go potty or downstairs.
So then comes bed time. Luckily Reese has grown out of the Mommy staying in her room till she is asleep. I was never a fan of letting her cry herself to sleep. Prob b/c my cousin put me to bed with stories and singing till she got married when I was 5. So recently we started leaving the room before Reese was asleep and telling her to knock on her door if she needed anything. Most night there is one knock for something like another hug or socks b/c her feet are cold and then she goes to bed. Yay! So Friday follows this pattern and Reese is now asleep. I go to take my shower and I can hear my phone vibrating as Mat texts me. Texting while in the shower is a bad idea so I leave my phone on the counter. Suddenly a little voice says "here is your phone mommy if you want it" while pulling back the curtain. And there is Reese holding my cell phone wearing her PJ's and her pink Crocs. Reese's door has one of those circle things you have to squeeze to open to prevent her from getting out on her own. Apparently there is a flaw in that plan. Reese need to go potty and let herself out of the room. It was quite cute to watch her go all by herself. She moved her stool to the potty, put her seat on it, pulled her pants and diaper down, went potty, and pulled everything back up. By that time I was done in the shower so I took her back to bed and triple checked that the door was closed this time.
Saturday I wake up at 7:30 and Reese hasn't knocked on the door yet. I figured she was still sleeping b/c she had been up late the night before w/ the whole shower thing. So I open her door to wake her up so we can get ready for the Charm City Block Party and she is not in her bed. I look the floor where her tulip (a fleece sleeping bad my sister made for her) is, because she likes to sleep in that but no Reese. I scan across the room to her bookcase to see if she is indeed reading, but still no Reese. I turn my head a little more and low and behold there is my child. Sitting on top of her dresser/changing table w/ a variety of lotions and ointments from the basket on the shelf above, a stack of diapers, and several dolls that had also been on the shelves. She informs me that the dolls need new diapers and she is changing them. Apparently she had figured out that if she pulled open the drawer on her dresser she could use it as a step to climb up. We just recently rearranged her furniture b/c she was using a different table to help her climb up there but apparently that did not really deter her. Oh well.
So I get Reese dressed and we have a 30 min sun tan lotion event. Reese loves "Sun lotion" and thinks everyone should wear it all the time so after she had her lotion she had to put lotion on Grammy, Dad-Dad, and me. We drove to pickup Mat and then went to Baltimore for the block party. While there we had our first awkward dating w/ a kid moment. Reese and I were on the moon bounce w/ one of the really fun PA missionaries. She saw Mat outside and asked if Dad wanted to come in and play. Mat and I kinda avoided the question. Then she asked Reese if that was her dad. A perfectly innocent question by the missionary. I did answer this time and said it's not her Dad. Reese on the other hand answered "That's my Mat" it was cute. Apparently several other times that day people saw him w/ her and called him her Dad which we both knew was bound to happen. He's fine with it and so am I we just have to be careful that Reese doesn't get confused at this point.
So since the whole blog was about Reese I won't end with a funny Reese moment. Things are going really well at work and with school. I promise a blog about Mat soon. And Hillary I really did try to proofread this so I hope it wasn't too painful to read :-)
10 years ago
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